Spike to Angel: I thought I'd push off, seeing as how I got somebody waiting for me.
from Harm's Way (Season 5)
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FRED: Spike.

GUNN: I was wondering when you'd turn up.

FRED: Where have you been? It's been days.

SPIKE: (smiles) Out enjoying freedom from my ghostly confines, luv.

FRED: There haven't been any side effects since you recorporealized, have there?

SPIKE: Bit of a hang over, but that's to be expected after all the drinking. Just thought I'd swing by and say my final farewells.

WESLEY: You're leaving?

SPIKE: You catch on quick, don't you? Yeah, I thought I'd push off, seeing as how I got somebody waiting for me.

WESLEY: Angel, I'm not sure that's wise, given the Shanshu prophecy is still unresolved—

SPIKE: That's your problem, mate. (to Angel) You're welcome to that heroic destiny, whether you deserve it or not. Me, I got better things to do than wait around for the 4 bloody horsemen. (walks away)

WESLEY: Spike...

ANGEL: Let him go.

SPIKE: Yeah. Here's the thing. Could use a little walkin'-around money. How 'bout a few hundred?

ANGEL: How 'bout no?

SPIKE: Typical, you cheap sod. Right, then. Settle for some wheels.

ANGEL: If it's gonna get you out of here faster, fine. Just not the Viper.

SPIKE: Viper it is, then.

(Angel rolls his eyes, then turns to walk away)

SPIKE: (calling after Angel) Any message for Buffy?

ANGEL: (without looking back) Tell her you're a moron.

LORNE: Well, bon voyage, Spikester. Don't be a stranger. (exit)

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written by: Sarah Fain and Elizabeth Craft; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
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