Sunnydale Station! Last stop this line.
from Crush (Season 5)
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(Train station, a train pulls in. The porter stands up, expecting people to disembark. But they don't.)

PORTER: Sunnydale Station! Last stop this line.

(Nothing. He boards, walks to the first row of seats, stops and looks shocked. Shot of a male passenger lying slumped over with blood on his neck and on the pillow behind his head. Short of a female passenger also lying slumped over dead and bloody. The porter walks farther into the train and we see more dead passengers in the seats. Shot of another female passenger with her arm stretched out into the aisle, covered with blood from a wound on the wrist. The porter breathes heavily. Sound of footsteps. He turns and sees something. )

PORTER: Oh god! Oh please! Help me! Somebody please! Help me!

(He runs back the way he came. Cut to exterior shot of the train's doorway. The porter appears still screaming Help me! Before he can make his way down the stairs, something grabs him from behind and drags him back into the train. We hear him screaming.)

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written by: David Fury; Transcribed by Joan the English Chick ( Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 12

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