Lindsey to Spike: This place has everything you need to be a hero.
from Soul Purpose (Season 5)
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(Lindsey enters a utilitarian apartment, Spike on his heels)

SPIKE: You gotta invite me in.

LINDSEY: It's not my place. It's yours. Building's quiet. Windows don't get direct sunlight. You've got a sewer entrance for your daytime travel.

SPIKE: What, no cable?

LINDSEY: You got water, electricity, heating, all the basics. Even got a Korean market on the corner. Open all night.

SPIKE: Look—I appreciate what you've done for me, making me corporeal and all, but I draw the line at being your kept boy.

(walks toward the door)

LINDSEY: Oh. You got someplace else to live? I mean, a man of your means must have money tucked away somewhere. You'll find something soon. I'm offering you a place to hang your hat. Or...your coat. Could say thank you.

SPIKE: Great. Another ruddy basement.

LINDSEY: You want creature comforts? You can go to Wolfram & Hart. This place has everything you need to be a hero. The job requires somewhat of a... Spartan existence.

SPIKE: (points to the old-fashioned single bed) You call that a bed?

LINDSEY: Well, it's not like you're gonna be sharing it with anyone any time soon.

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written by: Brent Fletcher; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 19

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