Lindsey: I hate failure when there's no one else to blame it on from Five by Five (Season 1) | Next Clip in Episode |
LINDSEY: While the arguments that the district attorney here has presented are somewhat entertaining, this case hinges on the testimony of witnesses that they have been unable to produce.
ATTORNEY: Your honor, we can produce them if Wolfram & Hart will stop tampering with the witness.
LINDSEY: Witness tampering is a serious allegation, councilor. And I will be filing a grievance for this remark with the A.B.A this afternoon. They have no witness. They have no case. I request a dismissal of all charges (the door in the back opens and Marquez walks in, followed by Angel) against my client, whose reputation has been irreparably damaged by these proceedings. He's a law abiding and upstanding citizen.
ANGEL: Your client really is - except for that pesky drug-dealing and murder stuff.
ATTORNEY: Your honor, the state calls Mr. Marquez.
SWEARING MARQUEZ IN: Raise your right hand. Do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the thruth, so help you, God?
(... later...)
LINDSEY: (to phone) No sir. I accept full responsibility. I thought - - I thought we had done everything possible. However, I'd not foreseen the intervention. Yes sir. Angel. I don't disagree. He's proven to be a costly liability. - I can, absolutely, I can do that. Yes, sir. Good-bye. (To Lee) I hate failure when there's no one else to blame it on.
LEE: I think I've found the solution to our problem.
LILAH: Lee! I've been looking for you. (To the guy next to her) You call them back and tell them that's our drop-dead offer, and you make sure that they understand we mean literally not figuratively. (To Lee as the other guy leaves with a nod) How are you doing?
LEE: Good! You?
LILAH: Great. I hear you came up with a good idea. How to deal with our friendly neighborhood vampire?
LEE: No, I came up with a *great* idea. How do you find out these things so fast?
LILAH: Part of my job. How did you find out there was a rogue Slayer in town?
LEE: Part of *my* job. I've been reading, ah, the police reports. She's been a busy little beaver.
LILAH: But you don't know where she is.
LEE: I will soon enough.
LILAH: I already do. Uh, I'll make the contact.
LEE: I don't think so. It?s my deal, I?ll make the contact.
LILAH: Let me think about it... - No.
LEE: Why not?
LILAH: It's your people skills - you don't have any.
LEE: You bitch.
LILAH: See? If you behave I'll let you ride in the limo.
written by: Jim Kouf; original transcript from anonymous. Edited, formatted for this site, and checked against source by me.. Full transcript at: