Cordy to Angel: You and I? We're not friends.
from Disharmony (Season 2)
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ANGEL: Uh...

CORDELIA: (not looking up from her work) Don't.

ANGEL: Don't?

CORDELIA: You're gonna start trying to make small talk, get all stammery. Don't. You might strain yourself.

ANGEL: I just wanted to know how you were. Are. I mean, we really haven't had a chance...

(Cordy picks up A box)

ANGEL: Here let me get that for you.

CORDELIA: It's okay.

ANGEL: Nah, I'd be glad to.

CORDELIA: I've got it.

ANGEL: Okay.

(Angel stands akwardly)

CORDELIA: You wanna know how I am? Tired mostly - with sweaty running a close second. I'm also jazzed. Can't wait to get our business up and sputtering again - ready to help those helpless. - But, just so we understand each other - you and I? We're not friends.

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written by: David Fury; Original transcript anonymous. Edited & formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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