Giles slide show from Hush (Season 4) | Next Clip in Episode |
(Giles performs a overhead projector presentation for Buffy, Willow, Xander and Anya in a lecture hall, with musical accompanyment from a boom box. His first slide is upside down and backwards. Willow & Bufyf point it out to him and he switches it.)
Transparancy 1: Who are the gentlemen?
Transparancy 2: They are fairy tale monsters
Transparancy 3: What do they want?
(Will holds up her hand and points to her chest. Xander cups himself and says --boobies?-- Giles gives Xander a look. Willow looks at Xander and points as Giles changes the transparency.)
Transparancy 4: Hearts
Transparancy 5: They come to a town
Transparancy 6: They steal all the voices no one can scream
Transparancy 7: then (picture of one Gentleman)
Transparancy 8: (picture gentlemen over person in bed. gentlemen has red knife, person's chest is red and red is dripping onto floor)
Transparancy 9:(picture of gentlemen holding red heart over person in bed. Enormous amount of red on chest and bed and floor.)
Transparancy 10: They need seven, they have at least two.
Xander snaps his fingers and holds up his board: How do we kill them?!
(Buffy takes her fist and pumps it toward herself. Disturbed looks from Xander and Willow, even Giles has to maintain a poker face. Buffy grabs a stake from her bag and pumps it towards herself. Xander gets she means stake them, Giles looks relieved and Willow pretends nothing was amiss.)
Transparancy 11: In the tales "No sword can kill them" (Picture of a gentleman with three swords in him)
Transparancy 12: But the princess screamed once... and they all died.
(Willow holds up a cd and ,then holds her hands over her ears and pantomines dying. She smiles. Giles holds a finger up and changes the transparency.)
Transparancy 13: Only a real human voice (picture of a gentleman dancing to old style record player)
(Giles points to his throat. Buffy holds up her message board.)
BUFFY: (written) How do I get my voice back?
Transparancy 14: Buffy will patrol tonight (picture of girl with bow and arrow).
(Buffy holds her hands at her sides and gives Giles an insulted look, unhappy with the width of hip his illustration attributes to her)
written by: Joss Whedon; corrections made & some descriptions added based on the shooting script at Full transcript at:;