Cordelia to client: Because it's not like we offer a money back guarantee - but then, you never paid us, did you?
from Reprise (Season 2)
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(The office phone rings.)

CORDELIA: (thinking it's Wesley.) Oh, geez, Wesley. Zippity duh-dah, alright? (Picks up the phone) Hello? Oh. Mrs. Sharp!

FRANCINE: We were hoping you'd still be in the office.

CORDELIA: The back of your daughter's head is still okay, right? Because, it's not like we offer a money back guarantee. But then, you never paid us, did you? - You do? Right now? - No, that's great! Uhm, you're on my way home, give or take - thirty miles. - Personal check, uhh... normally not, but-but but fine. Uhm, will you give me the address again? (Scribbles down the address.) Uh-huh - okay. Great, I'll see you soon.

(On the other end of the line, Mrs Sharp hangs up, as a demon stands over her.)

FRANCINE: Uhm, one of them - is on their way here now.

(The demon breaks her neck.)

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written by: Tim Minear; Original transcript anonymous. Edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by Sylvia.. Full transcript at:
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