Do you renounce Satan? And all his works?
from I've Got You Under My Skin (Season 1)
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RYAN: You let him die. Just like he’s gonna let me die. (to Seth) Aren’t you, Daddy? Two great protectors.

ANGEL: (to Seth) Get back.

(Seth backs away as Angel steps up to the bed and lays the cross on Ryan’s chest. His hand is smoking a bit despite the towel)

ANGEL: Abrenuntias satanae?

WESLEY: Do you renounce Satan?

ANGEL: Et omnibus operibus eus?

WESLEY: And all of his works?

ANGEL: Omnibus pompis eus?

WESLEY: And all his pomps?

ANGEL: Exorcie te. Omnis spiritus immunde. Adaperiae! (Morphs into vamp face) Now get the hell out!

(Angel steps back as Ryan writhes on the bed. Ryan begins to glow, the light hits the open box and shatters it.) PAIGE: Ryan?

(Seth runs after and hugs both his wife and Ryan at the same time. Angel, Cordy and Wesley stare down at the broken box on the floor. )


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written by: David Greenwalt & Jeanine Renshaw; Original transcript by anoymous. Edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by me.. Full transcript at:
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