Spike: that works out nicely then from Flooded (Season 6) | Next Clip in Episode |
BUFFY: Hello, Spike.
SPIKE: You hear all that noise?
BUFFY: (nods) Just enough to make me feel crappy.
SPIKE: You know watcher-boy doesn't mean anything by it.
BUFFY: I guess. Everyone ... they all care. They all care so much, it ... makes it all harder.
SPIKE: I'm not sure I followed you around that bend, luv.
BUFFY: I don't know. I just, I feel like I'm spending all of my time trying to be okay, so they don't worry. It's exhausting. And then, I...
SPIKE: And that makes 'em worry even more. (she confirms) You want me to take them out? Give me a hell of a headache, but I could probably thin the herd a little. (she smiles a little) Knew I could get a grin.
(they sit on the stairs together à la "fool for love")
BUFFY: Why are you always around when I'm miserable?
SPIKE: 'Cause that's when you're alone, I reckon. I'm not one for crowds myself these days.
BUFFY: Me neither.
SPIKE: (friendly smile) That works out nicely then.
(long pause)
BUFFY: So what do you know about finances?
written by: Douglas Petrie and Jane Espenson; transcribed by Joan the English Chick (pisces@englishchick.com). Action descriptions shortened by me.. Full transcript at: