Darla: That wasn't Angel. Wasn't Angelus either. Who was that?
from Redefinition (Season 2)
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(Outside abandoned building.)

DARLA: I want to make this quick, alright? We get in there, weed out the losers, and get out. I've got precious little patience left.

DRUSILLA: (LOoking at building) Oh, oh it's beautiful! Dank and dark. It reeks of death.

DARLA: That's motor oil, Dru.

DRUSILLA: Can we buy it? It could be our castle.

DARLA: There's no view. Plus we're broke. Though I suppose Lindsey could help out in that respect, if they haven't killed him yet.

DRUSILLA: I like the girl. She's wicked.

DARLA: They're sweet kids. Naïve, but they're only human. I doubt they even know what Wolfram and Hart's true plan for Angel is. But I have to say, my curiosity is piqued.

DRUSILLA: Ten little soldiers, all in a line. A shot rings out, (she claps her hands sharply) down to nine.

DARLA: Ten? I'd be happy if we could find three who can hack it.

(Darla enters the building, the floor is littered with demon corpses and severed limbs.)

DRUSILLA: Dead already? Bad soldiers!

(Darla sees Angel smoking a cigarette.)

DARLA: I should have known.

DRUSILLA: A shadow.

DARLA: Why so far away, my love? Why don't you come over here and... stake me? Angel?

(Angel smokes his cigarette.)

DARLA: Angelus?

(Angel throws his cigarette butt to ignite the gasoline that Darla and Dru are standing in. They burn. Angel walks away. Darla uses a sledgehammer to open a fire hydrant. They shelter under the water.)

DRUISLLA: I'm burning. Make it stop, please.

DARLA: Shh. Shh. That wasn't Angel.

DRUSILLA: He's gone. He's all gone. Oh, it hurts! It hurts! Ohhh!

DARLA: Wasn't Angelus either.

DRUSILLA: Darla, help me. Help me, please! Please. Please.

DARLA: Who was that?

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written by: Mere Smith; edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by Ann.. Full transcript at:
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