Wesley: Come to find your destiny, have you? from Redefinition (Season 2) | Next Clip in Episode |
(Caritas. Lorne is singing 'Lady Marmalade' aka 'Voulez-vous couchez avec moi,ce soir?')
WESLEY: (at bar) A Bloody Mary, please.
BARTENDER: You want real blood with that?
WESLEY: Ah, no... bloodless, thanks.
(Lorne finishes. Lots of applause.)
LORNE: Thank you. Thank you. Okay, we'll take a little break and see who wants to come up and sing next.
WESLEY: (to himself) Steady on, Wesley. Perhaps something by, Cat Stevens.
BARTENDER: Your drink, sir.
WESLEY: Ah, thank you.
(He turns.)
WESLEY: Cordelia. How... odd to see you.
CORDELIA: Wh-what are you doing here?
WESLEY: Me? Oh, I just... came in for a drink.
CORDELIA: Ah. Because only demon Karaoke bars...have those. You were gonna sing.
WESLEY: Sing? Oh, Dear Lord, no. No. Uh, I merely... What are *you* doing here?
CORDELIA: Oh. Ah, well... I was, uhm... in the neighborhood?
WESLEY: You live fifteen miles away.
CORDELIA: Yeah, well, you know L.A. It's all one really... big neighborhood.
WESLEY: I see.
(Cordelia huffs.)
WESLEY: Come to find your destiny, have you? And who's gonna help you with that?
CORDELIA: Shania Twain or Madonna. I hadn't decided.
WESLEY: I suppose we're both rather at lose ends now that Angel has...
CORDELIA: ...pulled a total wig?
WESLEY: Quite. I must admit, I'm somewhat embarrassed.
GUNN: (from behind) How do you think *I* feel?
CORDELIA: Gunn. What are you...? What happened to 'this was just a side gig?'
GUNN: Hey, I got a rep to maintain, alright? I can't have you all seeing through my brusque and macho exterior.
CORDELIA: Oh, heavens forfend!
WESLEY: So, I'll assume it's not Madonna, but what song were you going to sing?
GUNN: You wouldn't know it.
CORDELIA: Well, I for one, would just like to point out the patheticness that is us. This is all Angel's fault. I hope he's happy now. All alone in his demon world with no one to talk to.
written by: Mere Smith; edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by Ann.. Full transcript at: