Lorne: Wow. I'm sensing a serious 'mama bear' vibe.
from Dad (Season 3)
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CORDELIA: We need to make some little changes for safety. Covers for the outlets, kidproof the locks on the weapons cabinet...

(she notices the blood spattered equipment that is all that remains of the fight between the Grapplar demons and Wolfram and Hart's swat team)

CORDELIA: Right after we gut and remodel the entire hotel.

FRED: We should be careful. Whatever was in those cages could still be loose.

(she notices sees that the cages are labeled: Baby and Mother.)


GUNN: There's blood over here.

WESLEY: Not to mention some bastard blown a gaping hole in the lift.

ANGEL: Sorry. My bastard.

WESLEY: Oh. Well - not like we ever use it.

(someone approaches, everyone points a weapon)

LORNE: Now is that anyway to welcome a houseguest?

GUNN: Houseguest?

LORNE: Well, I figured since you all managed to destroy my club - twice - that I wouldn't be imposing if I hit you up for a place to stay. (Sees the mess in the lobby) On second thought, maybe I should reconsider that standing offer I have from a marginally attractive Mulix demon.

WESLEY: Well, if he/she/it has more suitable accommodations...

LORNE: (spotting the baby) Ah, come on, hand over the little nipper. Let Uncle Lorne have a gander. (Angel curls tighter around the baby) Oh, come on, I'm sure everyone else's already had their turn! Wow. I'm sensing a serious 'mama bear' vibe.

CORDELIA: Yeah, we're all still waiting our turn.

LORNE: I get it. Lookee don't touchee? - I see he's got himself a little scratch...

CORDELIA: Yeah, during the rush to get out of the alley. Here, let me put a little ointment on it.

ANGEL: I-I I got it. I got it. Easy. Right there. Alright. (Undoes the blanket a little) Let your arms out. - Okay. Shh.

(Angel carefully dabs some ointment on the cut and the baby begins to cry.)

ANGEL: What? What did I do?

CORDELIA: You don't have a woman's touch - whatever your taste in clothing may indicate.

(Cordy walks off to sit down on the steps leading into the lobby from the door to the garden court. Angel reads what's written on the tube of ointment. Gunn picks up a cleaver-like instrument laying on top of one of the cage and looks at it.)

GUNN: I don't even wanna know.

FRED: You think you could throw it?

GUNN: I guess. Why?

FRED: (points) There!

(Gunn turns and sees a demon leaping over the railing out side the glass garden court doors. Cordy jumps up with a scream as the demon comes charging in.)

GUNN: Bogie at the back door!

(Angel huddles over his baby, and everyone else deal the demon)

CORDELIA: This isn't over, is it?

WESLEY: No. Angel's son is part of the prophecy. Everyone and everything will be coming for him.

GUNN: Which means we need a plan.

ANGEL: Ah-ha! I think I figured it out. (Pulls a diaper out of his coat pocket) He wet himself.

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written by: David H. Goodman; Original transcript anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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