'The ritual of Mok'tagar, a race of trans-dimensional demons
from Living Conditions (Season 4)
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(clearing with fire. 2 demons chanting. a third arises out of the earth and demans via subtitles "Where is she?". Cut back to the fight.)

Kathy: Quit it!

BUFFY: I knew it! I knew you were one of those demon things.

Kathy: Oh why don't you just stuff it and let me finish my ritual.

BUFFY: Ritual?

(cut to magic shop)

GILES: 'The ritual of Mok'tagar, a race of trans-dimensional demons, involves the forced ingestion of animal blood while the victim slumbers.' Buffy's nightmares...

(cut to dorm)

BUFFY: ...were real.

Kathy: I'm sorry, ok? I left my dimension to go to college and they sent these guys after me.

(cut to magic shop)

GILES: 'But while the Mok'tagar can assume many forms and guises, including human, they can always be recognized by others of their kind due to the lack of a soul.'

(cut to dorm)

Kathy: ...so I'm borrowing yours.

BUFFY: Without even asking.

Kathy: Tonight, when they come looking for me, they'll take the one without a soul.

BUFFY: Well, thank God I won't have to watch you floss anymore.

Kathy: (Shouts.) And I won't have to live with a slob. (fighting) It's share time, Buffy.

BUFFY: Fine, let's start with my sweater.

(She has her ketchup-ruined sweater in her hands and wraps it around Kathy's neck, tightening it. Kathy grabs the sweater and rips it in two. )


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written by: Marti Noxon; Transcribed by: Diov Llun . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 13

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