Lorne's head on a platter
from Through The Looking Glass (Season 2)

(Groo and Cordy lounge on the steps to her throne as Cordy writes up her proclamations.)

CORDELIA: And this one will free the slaves and outlaw polyester. I know it hasn't actually been invented here yet, but I'm a forward thinking monarch.

(Silas and two other priests enter. One of them is carrying a small pedestal, the other a silver platter with a domed lid. They set down the pedestal and set the platter down on top of it.)

CORDELIA: We didn't order anything.

SILAS: Get out cow.

(Groo instantly leaves.)

CORDELIA: Hey. You can't call him that. He is Groosalug, the brave and undefeated.

SILAS: He is that only because I say he is.

CORDELIA: Groo! Where are you... Huh, he just left.

SILAS: He understands the way of things.

CORDELIA: Yeah? Well, the way of things is going to change around here.

SILAS: Is that right?

CORDELIA: Way! (Picks up a rolled parchment and holds it up.) I've got proclamations!

(Silas knocks the parchment out of her hand.)

SILAS: Foolish girl.

CORDELIA: Hey! Who's wearing the tiara around here, pal?!

SILAS: The Powers have seen fit to place their gift in you.

CORDELIA: You got that right.

SILAS: But let us be clear. You have no authority here.

CORDELIA: But I am the princess.

SILAS: The princess, like the Groosalug, is a tool of the Covenant, nothing more. You will do what we tell you to do. If we tell you to mate, then you shall mate.

CORDELIA: You can't force us to...

SILAS: And if we tell you 'silent' you shut your cow mouth!

CORDELIA: Pardon me?

SILAS: Pardon - your majesty? Don't you feel you have done enough - pardoning... (Taking lid off platter.) ...for one day?

(Cordy looks down and gasps as she sees Lorne's severed head lying on the silver platter.)

written by: Tim Minear; Original transcript anonymous. Edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by Sylvia.. Full transcript at:
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