Buffy: I can't believe Dad hasn't called yet
from Forever (Season 5)
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GILES: Hello? Yes. They did. Thank you. The service is tomorrow at three. Do you know the Brown Brothers Mortuary?

BUFFY: I can't believe he hasn't called yet.

XANDER: Your Dad's still AWOL, huh?

BUFFY: The number he left for us in Spain is no good. And I've left messages all over the place. Um, how about a line that just says, 'Following the burial, there will be no wake'? Or gathering? 'At the request of Joyce, there will be no gathering'? Uch, that sounds lame.

DAWN: What are we gonna do? After, I mean. Are we just gonna ... come back here?

BUFFY: Uh ... I, I don't know. I guess so. Um, how about 'At the request of the family, there will be no wake.'

XANDER: Good, yeah, it's got, uh...

DAWN: (to herself) I don't wanna be here.

BUFFY: Should I put it at the top, or just a small line at the bottom?

DAWN: Can I go to your place tomorrow?

WILLOW: Tomorrow?

DAWN: After everything.

WILLOW: Um, well, maybe you and Buffy should ... I-I don't mind.

DAWN: (to Buffy) Can I?

BUFFY: (looks up from discussing with Xander) Huh?

DAWN: Can I go to Willow's tomorrow after the service?

BUFFY: Um ... i-if you want to. I guess so.

DAWN: I'll, uh, get my sleeping bag out of the attic.

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written by: Marti Noxon; This is my own transcript; short on description, but hey at least it's here today (April 24). Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 25

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