Lorne to Angel: You think you're the first guy who ever rolled over,saw what was lying next to him and went 'Guyeah!'
from Epiphany (Season 2)
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(someone's pounding on the door in Caritas. Lorne goes to answer it)

LORNE: Alright, alright. - Alright, already! I'm not deaf, you know? Jeez, keep your pants on!

(Angel walks in, Lorne gets the vibe)

LORNE: Well, I see we're a little late with *that* advice.

(Lorne sits Angel down, fixes drinks.)

ANGEL: I probably should have killed her.

LORNE: Eh, kill her, give her cab fare, whatever. The point is, you've turned a corner. Well, yay you. Zuzu's petals. It's about time. And between you and me, if it had taken you much longer to hit your bottom, I was gonna kick it.

ANGEL: I'm still not sure I understand what happened.

LORNE: What's to understand? You think you're the first guy who ever rolled over, saw what was lying next to him and went 'Guyeah!' And you're not. Believe me. - It's called a moment of clarity, my lamb. And you've just had one. Sort of appalling, ain't it? To see just exactly where you've gotten yourself?

ANGEL: I don't know how to get back.

LORNE: Well, that's just the thing. You don't. You go on to the new place. Whatever that is.

ANGEL: I don't know if I can. - I-I've done - things. - Questionable things.

LORNE: Yes, you have. But-but you didn't kill those lawyers, Angel. That was slated to happen with or without you. The Powers were just trying to work it so it'd be without you, that's all. You weren't much help in that department were you, Sparky?

ANGEL: I wasn't much help? If they wanted me to stay away, why didn't they just tell me?

LORNE: Would you have listened? - Besides, what makes you think they didn't? Over and over and, as for example, over?

ANGEL: Well, they could've been a little bit more specific!

LORNE: Isn't this just the sort of 'tude that got you where you are now? I think I'm speaking for everyone when I say if all you're gonna do is switch back to brood mode, we'd rather have you evil. Then at least - leather pants.

ANGEL: What now?

LORNE: What do you mean?

ANGEL: Well, how do I fix this. I mean, what do the Powers want me to do?

LORNE: Does it *look* like I'm hearing voices? Because I'm not. I'm not your link with the Powers, Angel. I never was. You got rid of that when you fired your crew. - Yeah, that's gonna be the hardest part of all of this, you know.

ANGEL: Yeah.

LORNE: And there is a chance, a *good* chance you won't be able to put this back together. It just... well, it depends, really.

ANGEL: Yeah, whether they'll even talk to me.

LORNE: No, actually it depends on whether they live through the night. And I got to tell you, at the moment, the odds? Not good.

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