Warren comes back with a gun
from Seeing Red (Season 6)

XANDER: (spots Warren coming into the yard with a gun) Buffy --

WARREN: You think you can just do that to me? You think I'd let you get away with that? Think again --

(starts shooting)

XANDER: Sweet fancy Moses! Where the hell did he get -- (sees Buffy is shot) Oh god. Buffy? Oh god... oh god... Buffy...

(up in Willow & Tara's room, a stray bullet hits Tara, sprays her blood on Willow's white shirt)

TARA: Your shirt...

WILLOW: Tara? Tara? baby, come, on baby. Get up. Please. Tara... No... no... no..

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written by: Steven S. DeKnight; No transcript available, so I started with the Shooting Script and spent a couple-three hours editing it to match what was said and shown on the broadcast version. . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 41

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