Xander's mom: you boys want punch?
from The Initiative (Season 4)
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(Xander's basement. he's futzing awkwardly with a pistol.)

XANDER: Here we go. Gear for tonight. If some commando squads are out there, fully loaded, these babies might give us the edge we'll need.

GILES: That's a very impressive array. Where'd it all come from?

XANDER: Uh, requisitioned it. Back when I was a military guy.

GILES: That was 2 years ago. You still 100%?

XANDER: Are you kidding? I put the semper in semper fi. I might not be able to assemble an m-16 blindfolded like I used to or pass weapons drill from the mobile infantry...

(Giles grabs the pistol and immediatly accomlishes what Xander has been trying to do for 10 minutes.)

XANDER: Might as well face it. Right now, I don't have the technical skills to join the swiss army. And all those guys ask you to do Is uncork a couple of sassy cabernets.

GILES: Well, I'm sure you'll be ready when the time comes.

XANDER: Oh, fear not. Hand to hand? I'm still the man. Whoever these guys trained with, I'm sure they're not ready to deal with--

Xander's Mother: Xander!

XANDER:Yes, mom!

Xander's Mother: I made up a nice fruit punch for you and your friend. Would you boys like some?

GILES: Is it, uh, raspberry fruit punch?

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written by: Douglas Petrie; Original English Copyright (c) 1999 Jillian Tatterton; Visit the site: http://altern.org/Buffyiv. . Full transcript at:
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