Angel as Mr Sensitivity from Reunion (Season 2) | Next Clip in Episode |
GUY: Morgog - I worship you. - Ruler of the universe, I will throw out my worthless life to you -Morgog... (Angel and Co. walk in and he spins his chair around to face them) What do you want?
WESLEY: We're here to help.
GUY: No! I-I have to do this. Morgog commands me. (Angel throws at look a Cordelia and shakes his head) His will be done. Morgog... Don't! (Angel stops) Stay back.
CORDELIA: (to Angel) Easy, Boss. This kid's ready to snap, crackle *and* pop. I felt it in my vision. We've really got to handle this one with care. You know, delicate... (Angel throws the guy's boombox at his makeshift Morgog altar, causing the guy to dive off his chair and ending the music)
GUY: (comes up on his knees) Jeez! Oh, jeez!
ANGEL: Listen I'm not here to hurt you, kid, okay? And Morgog's not the way. Morgog couldn't find his way to his hairy spine-hump without a roadmap! So, don't go killing yourself, he's not worth it. And you've got, you know (looks around the garage) a million - reasons - to live - I bet. Okay? Got it? Good.
written by: Tim Minear & Shawn Ryan; Original transcript anonymous. Edited & formatted for this site by Sylvia.. Full transcript at: