Buffy: extra jet pack for a girl like me?
from As You Were (Season 6)
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BUFFY: Down we go?

RILEY: Looks that way.

BUFFY: That's a big first step. So, Mr. Finn, got an extra jet-pack for a girl like me?

RILEY: Sorry, fresh out of jet-packs. Looks like we'll have to share. This test line's built for one, so if we go together, we're not hauling any gear. Just be you and me.

BUFFY: I was never big on the hardware anyway.

RILEY: You hold onto me?

BUFFY: (flirty) If that's what it takes.

RILEY: Come on.

BUFFY: Ready when you are, Agent Finn.

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written by: Douglas Petrie; transcribed by Joan the English Chick (pisces@englishchick.com). action descriptions shortened by me. . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 21

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