Wes: the Vigories of Oden Tal
from She (Season 1)
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(Cordelia is asleep on her desk. Open books are stacked everywhere.)


CORDELIA: (jerking awake) That better be an 'Aha!' of triumph. I was dreaming there was a going out of business sale at Neimans!

WESLEY: I think I've located them. The Vigories of Oden Tal.

CORDELIA: The whodees of whatee?

WESLEY: Oden Tal. The men are called Vigories. They have four distinct ridges on their foreheads, are said to be fierce warriors, and their women live enslaved to them.

CORDELIA: Way to go, Wes! Angel said this Tay guy could be the key. Any way to find them here in town?

WESLEY: Ah, it says that the men are herbivores. They eat a thick stew made from rotting plants and flowers, and they need to consume half their body weight a day.

CORDELIA: Whoa. So, we're looking for, like, the biggest compost heap in LA?

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written by: David Greenwalt and Marti Noxon; Original transcript by anonymous. Edited & formatted for this site by M'lyn. Checked against source by M'lyn and myself.. Full transcript at:
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