Dawn: Am I real? Am I anything?
from Blood Ties (Season 5)
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TARA: Yeah, some of my best-

(she sees something across the room)

TARA: Oh-oh my god.

(Buffy turns to look behind her, gets up. We see Dawn standing in the doorway. A large knife in one hand, blood running down her other arm from a wound across the inner forearm.)

DAWN: (dazed) Is this blood?

BUFFY: Dawn!

JOYCE: Oh, baby.

BUFFY: What did you do?!

DAWN: This is blood, isn't it? It can't be me. I'm not a key. I'm not a thing.

JOYCE: Oh, sweetie, no. Wha-what is this all about?

DAWN: What am I? Am I real? Am I anything?

(She begins to cry. Joyce hugs her. Buffy watches grimly, also a little teary-eyed. Cut to: Buffy seeing the others out.)

WILLOW: If you need anything-

BUFFY: Thanks.

(Willow hugs Buffy and leaves.)

GILES: Perhaps I should stay, you know, just in case.

BUFFY: This is a family thing. We should deal with this.

GILES: Okay.

(Giles leaves. Buffy closes the door behind him. )

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written by: Steven S. DeKnight; Transcribed by Joan the English Chick (pisces@englishchick.com).. Full transcript at:
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