Wes to Angel: that young man is very lucky he ran into you from Five by Five (Season 1) | Next Clip in Episode |
CORDELIA: (on phone) Unfortunately, we don't really do divorce cases. No, it's not about the money. Oh. It's about *that* much money. How soon can we meet? I know where that is...Okay, we'll see you there tomorrow. Thanks for calling. Bye! (to Wes & Angel, entering) How did it go?
WESLEY: We won.
CORDELIA: Gang-guy testified?
ANGEL: Stood up and told the truth.
CORDELIA: What did I tell you?
WESLEY: That he never would.
CORDELIA: Well, more good news. I may have landed a new client, and here's a twist: he can afford to pay!
WESLEY: What's the case?
CORDELIA: I'm still in... information gathering phase. We're meeting him for lunch tomorrow. (To Angel) So, are you happy with the way things turned out? (To Wesley as an aside) You can always tell when he's happy. His scowl - is slightly less scowly.
WESLEY: That young man is very lucky he ran into you.
ANGEL: He just needed a little guidance - a push in the right direction.
WESLEY: I wonder how Wolfram & Hart are gonna push back.
written by: Jim Kouf; original transcript from anonymous. Edited, formatted for this site, and checked against source by me.. Full transcript at: