Buffy: contain this!
from The Initiative (Season 4)
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(Dorm room)

SPIKE: I'm only 126.

WILLOW: You're being too hard on yourself. Why don't we wait a half an hour and try again? Or...

(She picks up a lamp and smashes it over his head. She runs over to her door and tries to leave, but it's locked. The lights go out outside in the hall. Riley, Graham and Forrest run in the dorm wearing night vision goggles, bust open Willow's door. She charges out, and one levels a tranq gun at her)

RILEY: No, hold your fire!

(Spike rushes out and slams Graham into a wall. Spike rushes over to bite Graham but can't due to a sevre burst of pain. )

GRAHAM: It's on me!

(Spike rushes over to bite Graham but can't due to a sevre burst of pain.)


Commando: Move!

(Spike struggles but is eventually contained.)

Commando: Bag it, tag it. We're gone. Sir... Civilian. Could have turned.

(Referring to Willow cowering in a corner.)

RILEY: Leave her.

Commando: We can't neglect quarantine, sir!

(Spike breaks free. He grabs a fire extingusher and smashes a commando with it. Another goes to shoot him, but he holds up the extinguisher and it's shot, which makes the hall fill with CO2 gas. Willow crawls towards her room.)

Commando: Stop her!

(A commando grabs her.)

Commando: She's contained.

BUFFY: Contain this!

(The commando who has Willow turns around and is blinded as his night vision goggles are overloaded when Buffy shoots off the flare gun. The flare bounces around the room.)

All: Aah! Ow! I'm blind! What the hell was that?

(The commandos tear off thier goggles. Buffy shooes Willow into their room. Buffy begins to fight the commandos. Buffy and Riley fight; neither she nor Riley recognize each other. Riley is blnded and Buffy doesn't recognize him because of the disguise of his gear and face mask. Meanwhile, Spike hightails.)

Riley : Abort!

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written by: Douglas Petrie; Original English Copyright (c) 1999 Jillian Tatterton; Visit the site: http://altern.org/Buffyiv. . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 24

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