Scott: I got you a little present
from Faith, Hope & Trick (Season 3)
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(Buffy is headed out of the building when Scott spots her)

Scott: Hi.

BUFFY: Scott!

Scott: How are you?

BUFFY: Uh, o-okay. You know, I-I gotta...

Scott: I know, be somewhere else, right? Think of this as my last-ditch effort. I realize that one more is gonna qualify as stalking. I've given it a lot of thought--some might say too much thought--to, to how I might be a part of your life. It begins with conversation. We all know this. Maybe over a cup of coffee, or maybe at the Buster Keaton festival playing on State Street all this weekend.

BUFFY: You know, come to think of it, I-I don't think I've given a fair chance to... Buster Keaton. I... I like what I've seen of him so far. I... I think it might be time to see a little more.

Scott: Keaton is key. Oh. Um, I got you a little present. The guy in the retro shop said that it represents friendship, and that's something I would very much like to have with you.

(It's a Claddagh ring.)

Scott: You like?

BUFFY: I can't. I-I-I-I can't do this.

Scott: Okay. I get the message.

(he leaves. Buffy just stands there as if in a trance. Giles reaches out to her.)

GILES: Are you all right?

BUFFY: Uh... Giles, I, uh... (wipes a tear) Yeah, I'm fine.
Um, did you reach the retreat?

GILES: Yes, I did.

BUFFY: W-what did her Watcher say?

GILES: Her Watcher's dead.

(Buffy stares back in disbelief.)

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written by: David Greenwalt; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 21

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