Lilah to Fred: I got my copy of Rhinehardt's... way out of town.
from Calvary (Season 4)
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LILAH: What, no cake?

FRED: Where is it?

LILAH: Where is what?

CORDELIA: Angel's soul.

LILAH: Oh, that what.

WESLEY: She didn't take it.

CONNOR: How do you know?

WESLEY: Because she told me.

GUNN: And you believe her? Lying's her job.

LILAH: He's got a point. (opens her coat and turns around, inadvertantly revealing her wound to the others) You wanna search me?

CORDELIA: What happened?

WESLEY: She was injured in the attack on Wolfram and Hart.

GUNN: The place was a slaughterhouse. How'd she make it out?

LILAH: Got lucky.

CORDELIA: Ah, maybe it was more than that. What were you doing downstairs with Angelus?

WESLEY: She was gathering intel.

GUNN: With a crowbar? She's the only one to make it out of Wolfram and Hart alive, then she shows up right after Angel's soul goes missing.

WESLEY: I've already told you, she didn't have anything to do with that.

CONNOR: Maybe she knows who did.

FRED: Or who's controlling the Beast.

LILAH: Controlling?

GUNN: Angelus thinks rock-boy's just the muscle. Not that I trust him any more than you.

CORDELIA: Everything that's happened—it's part of a bigger plan with something even worse than the Beast sketching the blueprints.

WESLEY: That's what he's been trying to hide. There might be something in the text we—


WESLEY: (holds up a book) Lilah found a passage in Rhinehardt's Compendium.

FRED: But we searched that already. There's nothing in there.

WESLEY: Because all references to the Beast have been erased in this dimension.

LILAH: I got my copy of Rhinehardt's... way out of town. (smirking to Fred) I'm surprised you didn't think of that.

GUNN: That's why Angel didn't remember the Beast.

WESLEY: His memory's been wiped clean, just like the book's.

CONNOR: Why does Angelus remember?

FRED: Because his mind wasn't here when the spell or whatever was cast, right?

WESLEY: We should compare this passage with the information Wolfram and Hart extracted from Lorne. There might be—

GUNN: (grabs the flamethrower) Yeah, have fun with that.

FRED: Charles...

GUNN: Somebody needs to be downstairs, make sure nobody else tries to intel our boy.

CORDELIA: (Fred starts to follow him, but Cordelia stops her) Let him go. I know this is hard. I know we're all tired and hurting, but we have to stay focused. We need to figure out what's coming, and how to get Angel back before it does, because if this is as bad as I think it is, we'll need him more than ever.

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written by: Jeffrey Bell & Steven S. DeKnight & Mere Smith; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 21

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