Angel to Gunn: I remember. You have to trust me. I know what to do with this. Have faith, kid.
from The Shroud of Rahmon (Season 2)
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(Gunn, Angel, Ugly and Spiny carry in the coffin with Angel chuckling maniacally. They set it down.)

GUNN: (to Angel) You drank her. Animal! You drank that cop!

SPINY: What now?

UGLY: Open it.

ANGEL: Oh, that's genius! Good thing we didn't think about that back at the ol' museum and miss out on all this *swell* heavy lifting!

UGLY: Open it! There's a catch. (He looks for one, but Spiny just punches his fist through the glass window and rips the lid off.)

GUNN: That works too.

(The whispering gets louder and is now joined by some laughter and a soft whooshing sound as the four of them step closer to the coffin and look at the shroud-wrapped body inside.)

UGLY: (reaches for the shroud) I got it! I got it!

SPINY: (pushes him away from the coffin) No! No! You don't know what this means. You have no idea what this is about. It belongs to my people. (Hits himself on the chest) *My* people.

GUNN: Your people? I didn't see none of your people when we was hauling this thing!

ANGEL: Hey, fellas! Fellas! Cool your jets, alright? There's plenty here for all of (he hesitates as he hears the whooshing sound) -- me!

(Each of them grabs one corner of the shroud and tries to pull it away from the others.)

ANGEL: Okay, how does this work, huh? Huh? The person with the biggest piece gets their wish?


SPINY: Don't hurt it!

ANGEL: What about you, Lester? All of a sudden you want it too?

GUNN: I get this, I'll kill you.

ANGEL: Yeah, too bad, kid. Tell your wishes it won't come true.

(Ugly shoots Angel. Eventually Gunn and Angel each have one end.)

SPINY: (jumping up) It's mine!

(He runs towards them, but Ugly shoots him in the forehead, and his body drops onto the shroud held between Gunn and Angel. All three of them topple to the ground, with Gunn at the bottom and Angel on top.)

GUNN: (still clutching the shroud) Got it. Got it. Got it!

ANGEL: Wait! Wait. Gunn, I remember. You have to trust me. I know what to do with this. Have faith, kid. (Gunn lets go of the shroud.)

(Angel stumbles out of the garage and sets the shroud on fire. The whispering continues, but then there is a silent explosion, the flames shoot up, and he flies through the air, landing in a heap. The whispering ceases and he lies watching the shroud burn.)

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written by: Jim Kouf; Original transcript anonymous. Edited, formatted and checked against source by chicken_cem. . Full transcript at:
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