Wesley to Faith: you are a piece of sh---
from Five by Five (Season 1)
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FAITH: (torturing Wesley) All these little cuts and bruises just bring out the mother in me. Come on. Now, now. Don't poop out on me, damnit! Otherwise this is all just gonna be over too fast! And you'll be dead and I'll be... bored. Come on, Wesley! Where's that stiff upper lip? Now... we've only done one of the five basic torture groups. We've done blunt. But that still leaves sharp, cold, hot, and loud. Have a preference? (sees he wants to say something) Oh, that's great! It's always better with audience participation. May I take your order, please?

(takes the knot out of his mouth)

WESLEY: I was your Watcher, Faith. I know the real you. And even if you kill me there's just one thing I want you to remember.

FAITH: What's that, love?

WESLEY: You are a piece of shi--

(Faith stuffs the knot back in his mouth.)

FAITH: (pissed) You should talk! Huh!? I guess I'll just have to try a little harder!

FAITH: (weilding a piece of broken glass) We'll switch to sharp for a while.


FAITH: (sighs) That's refreshing. But I'm feeling a little cold. What say we warm the place up? Did you ever wonder if things would have been different if we'd never met? What if you had Buffy and Giles had been my Watcher? Think we'd still be here right now? Or would Giles be sitting in that chair? Or is it just, like, fate? There's no choice. You were going to be here no matter what. Ever think about that stuff? Fate and destiny. I don't.

(tries out her homemade blwo torch - aeresol spray lit aflame with a lighter)

FAITH: Not that any of this is your own fault. Since this may be the last chance we have to unload on each other, I feel it's kind of my duty to tell you that if you'd been a better Watcher, I might have been a more positive role model! Face it, Wesley. You really were a jerk. Always walking around like you had some great big stake rammed up your English Channel! I think I want to hear you scream.

WESLEY: You never will.

FAITH: Admit it, Wesley. Didn't you always kinda have the hots for me?

(Angel bursts in)

FAITH: (knife to Wes' throat) About time, soul boy. Ready to play now?

ANGEL: I'm ready.

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written by: Jim Kouf; original transcript from anonymous. Edited, formatted for this site, and checked against source by me.. Full transcript at:
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