Jasmine to Fred: Now, what are we going to call me? from Shiny Happy People (Season 4) | Next Clip in Episode |
BOWLING VAMPIRE 1: (trying unsuccessfully to bowl with a severed human head) Aw, that ain't gonna work.
BOWLING VAMPIRE 2: Could've told you that. Clean up my lane, jackass.
BOWLING VAMPIRE 1: Let's go to L. A., you said. Sun's gone out, you said. Going to be the feast of the century. But the sun is back, and here we are wasting our time...bowling.
BOWLING VAMPIRE 2: I'm telling you, something big is coming, and when it gets here, we're gonna be in prime position for—
ANGEL: An ass whoppin'?
(Angel and the boys attack, while Fred and Jasmine wander peacfully through the chaos)
JASMINE: (to Fred) Sit with me.
FRED: Do you think we should?
JASMINE: I have nothing to fear.
JASMINE: No, what're we going to call me?
FRED: You don't have a name!
FRED: You should have a name.
FRED: I don't know. I can't imagine one word, you know, summing you up. I mean, you're a superior being. Shouldn't you— Don't you want to choose it yourself?
JASMINE: No one born to this earth can choose their own name. They are named by those who love them. There are some rules even I must follow.
(A vampire emerges from the fray long enough to scratch Jasmine before Angel pulls him back)
FRED: (very upset) I'm so sorry. It's all my fault.
JASMINE: I'll be fine. You tried to caution me. I should have listened.
ANGEL: Hey! You hurt her, you scum!
(he chases the vampire down an alley, out of the back of the building onto a terrace-dining area. The vampire crashes into a man, scratching him with this nails accidently.)
(he throws Angel a stake, which Angel uses to dust the vamp)
ANGEL: It's all right. It's over. You're safe now.
AWED WOMAN PATRON: Wh— wha— (turns, sees Jasmine) aw! (falls to her knees)
JASMINE: Everyone, please, stand up. If you wish to honor me, honor each other. We are all one.
MIDDLE-AGED MAN PATRON: (to Jasmine) You're hurt.
JASMINE: (smiles) I'll be all right. Everything will be all right.
MARGARET: All my life, so empty. That's over now, isn't it?
JASMINE: Yes, Margaret, it's over. I know you. I know you all. I've come here for you to bring you the gift of peace. You will be freed from the pains you've suffered. The world will change forever, and you will know the power of my love. The chaos will fade, and harmony will reign.
(The young man that the vampire fell on and scratched grabs a knife from a nearby table and, in tears, stares at the woman.)
YOUNG MAN: Monster. It has to die!
(he attacks, but Angel grabs him and starts pummelling him)
JASMINE: Angel, that's enough.
YOUNG MAN: (crying) Don't you see it? No. Don't you touch me!
JASMINE: Poor thing. (to Wesley) Wesley.
WESLEY: I'll call an ambulance.
JASMINE: All of you, so loving, so strong. How can I ask you to understand that a man like this, so full of fear, anger, so along—he will always be alone, but we have found each other.
written by: Elizabeth Craft & Sarah Fain; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at: