Angel: It was Darla, she's human now
from Dear Boy (Season 2)
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CORDELIA: Nice! That was really fun, the public humiliation, running from the hotel security staff *and* the nifty little outfit, which seemed to tell so many conventioneers: pet me, I'm a whore.

WESLEY: It wasn't pleasant but at least there's a silver lining.

CORDELIA: What silver lining?

WESLEY: The woman walked into direct sunlight! Obviously she's not a vampire, obviously Angel - made a mistake.

CORDELIA: Ya' think?

WESLEY: We're just gonna have to put our heads and help him come to grips with this thing. (to Angel) You're among friends, we're not going to condemn you.

CORDELIA: Right. (to Angel) You're crazy, you need professional help.

ANGEL: It was Darla. She's back. And she's human now - but I know her scent.

WESLEY: Angel.You can't just - sniff a person and know...

ANGEL: (sniffs Wes) You had sex last night, with a bleached blonde.

WESLEY: Good Lord, how'd you…?

CORDELIA: That's unbelievable. (to Wesley) I didn't think *you* ever had sex.

ANGEL: (closing phone book) She's not in the book.

CORDELIA: Who, Darla?

ANGEL: DeEtta Kramer, the person she's pretending to be. Run a title deed search, see if you can find an address for DeEtta and Stephen Kramer. I'm gonna try some other avenues.


ANGEL: Wesley, you got any money? I'll need a few bucks for the cover charge.

WESLEY: Cover charge? You're going to...

ANGEL: Do whatever it takes.

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written by: David Greenwalt; Originally transcribed by anonymous. Edited, formatted, and checked against source by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 22

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