Conduit to Gunn: I am not your friend. I am not your flunky. The Senior Partners are not here for your convenience.
from A Hole in the World (Season 5)
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(Gunn arrives at the white room)

GUNN: Hello? Here kitty, kitty. Look, I know there's someone in here, and it ain't just me. I'm not goin' anywere 'til ya—

(someone punches him in the face, knocking him to the ground;)

GUNN: Well, whaddaya know? It is just me.

(The conduit now looks just like him)

CONDUIT AS GUNN: You don't want to be here.

GUNN: I never want to be here. What happened to the cat?

CONDUIT AS GUNN: The physical form of the conduit is determined by the viewer.

GUNN: So, I'm looking at me because, what? We gonna play a mirror game? Get our mime on?

CONDUIT AS GUNN: You are failing.

GUNN: I'm not the issue here.

CONDUIT AS GUNN: I believe that you think that.

GUNN: You can't let this happen to Fred.

CONDUIT AS GUNN: This is the part where I need to be clear.

(punches Gunn hard in the chest, sending him across the room)

CONDUIT AS GUNN: I am not your friend. I am not your flunky. I am your conduit to the senior partners, and they are tired of your insolence. Oh, yeah. They are not here for your convenience.

GUNN: I didn't come for a favor. We can make a deal.

CONDUIT AS GUNN: Deals are for the devil.

GUNN: You want someone else—a life for hers—you'll get it. You can have mine.

CONDUIT AS GUNN: (laughs) I already do.

(The conduit grabs Gunn by the lapels and punches him in the face repeatedly. )

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written by: Joss Whedon; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 30

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