Lorne: Always leave 'em wanting more. And stay away from the magic.
from Spin The Bottle (Season 4)
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LORNE: (narrating) So, all's well that ends well. Right, kiddies? But since nothing ended all that well, I guess I gotta say that well, nothing was well. See, none of us knew it then, but the sequence of events was a little different than we thought. It went more like this:

(In the hotel lobby, Lorne is giving Cordelia her drop of potion while Angel and Connor look on. She has a vision of a scary red-faced demon opening its eyes. She makes a face and then runs out of the lobby.)

LORNE: Well, it's been a long night. For everyone. I hope you've all enjoyed my little tale so much that you tip your waitresses with obnoxious abandon.

AUDIENCE MAN: Finish it!

LORNE: Always leave 'em wantin' more, kiddo. That's the rule. Anyway, I've got no more to tell. Applause, applause. I got a sea breeze that's gonna up and leave with someone else if I don't get to her soon. So you kids be good and go home. Hug your families while you can. And stay away fro the magic. Trust me.

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written by: Joss Whedon; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 16

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