Roger Wyndam-Price: The council have agreed to take you back, pending my assessment.
from Lineage (Season 5)
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captures from this scene

WESLEY: What are you— Is mom all right?

ROGER: She's fine. Sturdy as ever. No, you and I have business to discuss.

WESLEY: (nods) Business. Oh. Of course. Please... sit down.

ROGER: As you may well know, the watcher's council was destroyed last year.

WESLEY: I heard.

ROGER: The remaining former watchers, myself included, have decided to reform the council, and I've been sent to contact you.

WESLEY: Are you saying the council wants me to come back?

ROGER: Not necessarily. Your name's proven to be a point of contention. There is some who believe that your tenure as watcher ranks as our most embarrassing failure.

WESLEY: Really? I beat out everybody dying in an explosion as most embarrassing failure.

ROGER: Friends and colleagues lost their lives in that event, Wesley. A little respect.

WESLEY: Sorry.

ROGER: The council have agreed to take you back, pending my assessment. I'm here to evaluate you.

WESLEY: I see. Well, I'll save you the trouble. I'm not interested.

ROGER: This is no time to be stubborn, boy. The council are giving you a chance to clear your name... our name.

WESLEY: Sorry you made the trip, but I'm perfectly happy where I am.

ROGER: Ha ha ha. Wolfram & Hart. So this is the haven of evil, is it?

(walks out the door)

WESLEY: (follows) Not anymore. This isn't the Wolfram & Hart—

(he bumps into the doorway, stumbles into a woman walking down the hallway, knocking her papers to the ground)

WESELY: Oh! Sorry.

WOMAN: It's OK. No problem.

WESLEY: Sorry.

(the woman walks away)

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written by: Drew Goddard; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 22

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