Angel fights the police captain from The Thin Dead Line (Season 2) | Next Clip in Episode |
POLICE CAPTAIN: Can I help you? (Angel walks in.) Excuse me, what are
you doing?
ANGEL: Looking around.
CAPTAIN: Who are you?
ANGEL: Angel.
CAPTAIN: Well, Angel, if you need something I'm sure someone downstairs would be willing to help you.
ANGEL: Actually I need to talk to you.
CAPTAIN: About what?
ANGEL: About some of your more - dead cops?
CAPTAIN: Maybe we should talk about you instead.
(He pulls his gun and fires two bullets into Angel's torso. Angel curls up around the wounds for a moment then comes back up in vamp face.)
ANGEL: How do I stop them? (The gun is knocked aside, Angel grabs him by the throat and pushes him up against the wall.) I'll repeat the question. How do I stop them?
CAPTAIN: These are good cops. They put their lives on the line. They died on the streets.
ANGEL: You should have left them that way.
CAPTAIN: I won't betray them!
(Knocks Angel's hand from his throat and flees. Angels chases him to a back room lit with candles sitting on shelves in front of pictures of police officers.)
ANGEL: How are you controlling them, hmm? (Goes to inspect the stuff on the table, pulls some stuff out of a bowl) The entrails? (Lets them drop when the captain doesn't react. Spots a statue.) Here we go. It's the idol of Granath. The Zombie god. (Angel smashes the idol on the captain's head and he drops to the floor, covered in its pieces. So do the zombie cops attacking Wesley and Cordie and Gunn (elsewhere) - they drop, turn into decaying corpses.)
written by: Jim Kouf & Shawn Ryan; Original transcript anonymous. Edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by Sylvia.. Full transcript at: