There's something out there, Buffy. It's after Mom!
from Listening to Fear (Season 5)
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(Joyce continues talking to the Queller demon on the ceiling above her bed)

JOYCE: I'm going to close my eyes, and when I open them, you are going to go away.

(The Queller squeals and drops down on top of Joyce. She screams.)

JOYCE: Get off me!

(Dawn comes running, sees the demon, grabs a coatrack and bats it off her mother. It chases her, and she runs into the bathroom.)

DAWN: Buffy!!

(Buffy doesn't hear over the running water and radio. Dawn exits the bathroom's other door, gets back into Joyce's room, and blockades the door. meanwhile, Buffy finishes and turns off the water and music.)


(Buffy races up to Joyce's room)

BUFFY: What? What is it?

DAWN: There's something out there, Buffy. It's after Mom!

BUFFY: You guys stay in here. Don't leave this room.

(As Buffy closes the door, the Queller drops from the ceiling and lands on her face. They struggle, tumble down the stairs. The Queller skitters away into the darkness. Back in Joyce's room, Joyce and Dawn cling to each other.)

JOYCE: It's okay, my baby. It's okay.

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written by: Jane Espenson; Transcribed by Joan the English Chick ( Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 15

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