Buffy:no satisfaction in the personal sense from Helpless (Season 3) | Next Clip in Episode |
(Buffy "stakes" Angel with a french baguette)
BUFFY: Gotcha!
ANGEL: (defeated) Uhh! Right in the heart.
BUFFY: (smiling) Satisfied?
ANGEL: I'm not sure that's the word.
BUFFY: (taken aback) Okay. I didn't mean 'satisfied' like...
ANGEL: No, I, I wasn't trying to...
BUFFY: (awkwardly) 'Cause we're not having satisfaction in the personal sense.
ANGEL: Of course. (exhales)
BUFFY: (smiles) I should go. Giles is...
ANGEL: ...is waiting for you. I know.
BUFFY: (smiling) Thanks. For the workout.
written by: David Fury; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at: