Xander to Cordy: I just want the necklace back
from Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered (Season 2)
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XANDER: Oh, come on, don't flatter yourself. I'm not gonna make a big scene. I just want the necklace back.

CORDELIA: (in disbelief) What? I thought it was a gift.

XANDER: No. Last night it was a gift. Today it's scrap metal. Figure I can melt it down and sell it for fillings or something.

CORDELIA: You're pathetic!

XANDER: Come on, I'm not gonna add to the Cordelia Chase castoff collection.

CORDELIA: It's in my locker.

XANDER: I can wait.

(hidden by the locker door, removes the necklace from around her neck)

CORDELIA: Here. It's a good thing we broke up. Now I don't have to pretend I like it.

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written by: Marti Noxon; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
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