Dawn: Big Sister from Out of My Mind (Season 5) | Next Clip in Episode |
(Cut to Buffy's room. Buffy is pacing. Willow lies on the bed while Dawn sits on the floor, leaning against the bed.)
BUFFY: I don't get what he's thinking. Why isn't he worried?
WILLOW: Maybe he thinks his body can handle it. He *is* in really good shape.
BUFFY: Nobody's body can handle a heart attack.
WILLOW: I know. I'm sorry, Buffy. I'm trying too hard to make it okay.
BUFFY: (sighs) I just keep coming back to the Initiative.
WILLOW: It does have that icky government feel to it.
DAWN: Did you know that one time the CIA tried to kill Fidel Castro with poisonous aspirin?
BUFFY: Dawn, please. I know I have to do something, I just don't know what.
DAWN: Another time the CIA-
BUFFY: Dawn!
DAWN: It's important.
(Buffy looks annoyed but nods.)
DAWN: (quickly) Tried to make Castro go crazy by putting itching powder in his beard. (Buffy raises her eyebrows accusingly) It's about the government!
WILLOW: Call the Initiative. If they know what's wrong with him, they have to help.
BUFFY: Yeah, but call them how? First of all, they don't exist any more, and secondly, they never *claimed* to exist in the first place. It's so unfair. I mean, i-it's like Big Brother can spy on you all the time, and-and the second I have something to say, no one will listen!
DAWN: (muttering) Sounds more like Big Sister.
WILLOW: There has to be a way.
BUFFY: Like what? Take a tour of the White House and pretend to get lost, and look for some door with a sign on it that says "Secret Government Monster Hunters"?
DAWN: If they're really spying on you all the time, you just say something so you know they'll hear you. Like sometimes, I write fake things in my diary in case... (trails off)
BUFFY: I gotta go. Uh, see you guys later.
(She grabs her bag and leaves. Dawn looks over at Willow.)
DAWN: What'd I say?
(Cut to Buffy entering Riley's room. We see a punching bag in the foreground. It's dark. )
BUFFY: Riley?
(No one's there. Buffy walks in, closing the door behind her. She picks up the phone and puts it to her ear. We hear a dial tone, alternating with clicking noises. )
BUFFY: (into phone) Riley's in trouble. He needs help.
(She hangs up. )
written by: Rebecca Kirshner; Transcribed by Joan the English Chick (pisces@englishchick.com).. Full transcript at: