Giles is 'the best authority on obscure relics' from Becoming (Part I) (Season 2) | Next Clip in Episode |
Doug: Rupert Giles?
Doug: Doug Perren. Thanks for coming.
GILES: Oh, not at all. It's... flattered to be asked.
Doug: I spoke with Lou Tabor at the Washington Institute, and he told me we had the best authority on obscure relics right here in Sunnydale.
GILES: Oh... (laughs) He may have, uh, exaggerated a little. (sees the obelisk) Ah, is this the...
Doug: This is our baby. Construction workers dug it up outside of town. Don't have a clue what it is. Any ideas?
GILES: A few. None I'd care to share until I can verify. You have, uh, carbon dated it?
Doug: The results'll be back in a couple of days. I'll go out on a limb and say old.
GILES: Um, yes, it, it certainly... predates any, uh... settlements we've read about. Um, may, may I?
Doug: Yeah. Sure.
GILES: I assume you've, uh, you haven't tried to open it.
Doug: Open it? Ah, I'll be damned. I figured it was solid. What do you think is in there?
GILES: I don't know.
Doug: Well... I guess we won't know until we open it up.
GILES: Yes, but could I ask, um... would you wait? I, uh... I'd like to work on translating the text. It-it-it might give us an indication of... what we'll find inside.
Doug: You don't want to be surprised?
GILES: A-as a rule, no.
Doug: Alright. You're the expert. But I'm pretty damn curious, though.
GILES: Yes. Yes, so am I.
written by: Joss Whedon; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at: