Buffy to Platt: I need to talk to someone
from Beauty & the Beasts (Season 3)
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(Mansion. Angel is still chained, but mostly quiet.)

BUFFY: Angel?

(He doesn't seem to hear her.)

BUFFY: Do you understand me?

(She reaches out to him, but he suddenly lunges at her. She manages to avoid him, but she's upset and runs out. Not noticing that he's almost managed to pull the chains out of the wall.)


(Buffy enters the psych office. Mr Platt's chair is turned around, so she begins speaking to his back.)

BUFFY: Two o'clock. Buffy Summers, right? Wait. Don't turn around. Okay? And don't say anything. Just listen. I mean, that's, that's your thing, right? There's something going on. I mean, th-this whole entire story is probably gonna convince you that I'm loony-bin material, but... there's nobody else that I can talk to. Not Willow and... not Giles. Nobody. If they, if they found out, they'd freak on me or they'd do something, and... I need help. I just, I need to talk to someone. I'm so scared. It's this guy. H-h-he... He's come back.

(The camera pans over from her to Mr. Platt, sitting dead and mauled in his chair.)

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written by: Marti Noxon; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 24

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