Gunn to Fred: If you kill him, I'm gonna lose you.
from Supersymmetry (Season 4)
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(Fred knocks Seidel down with the butt of her crossbow, levels it at him)

FRED: You know what they say about payback? Well, I'm the bitch.


FRED: Stay right there.

PROFESSOR SEIDEL: Winifred. Fred. Please. Let's talk about this.

FRED: Talk? Sure, let's talk, 'cause you gave me the chance to— Oh, wait, no you didn't. Oh well. No talking.

PROFESSOR SEIDEL: Fred, I know you. You're not capable of hurting anyone.

FRED: You don't know me. Not anymore. Five years of pain and suffering in a hell dimension'll make a girl capable of a lot of things.


FRED: It's kind of funny, thinking how threatened you were by me back when I was a grad student. That's why you sent me and the others away, isn't it? You couldn't handle the competition.


FRED: That's why Laurie's still around. She's not smart enough to overshadow you, is she? Not like me. I'm special. Special on a Pylean platter with a side of you make me sick!

PROFESSOR SEIDEL: Why don't you just let me—

FRED: Go? Well, since you asked so nicely, sure. I've even practiced a goodbye speech. Klyv mat chyvma, klvma chyt.

(A portal has opened in the floor in front of the Professor, and it's sucking him in. He's clinging to the lab desk as Charles Gunn bursts into the lab. )

GUNN: Fred, no!

FRED: Go away, Charles! You asked me not to kill him, and I'm not. Not exactly.

GUNN: Sure you are. No way he could survive that. Fred, don't let him do this to you.

FRED: How dare you! You don't know— You don't know what it was like!

PROFESSOR SEIDEL: Please, help me!

GUNN: I promise we'll stop him. We'll find some other way.

PROFESSOR SEIDEL: Fred! Winifred! Please! Help me!

FRED: Don't you see? He'll never stop! He'll do it again!

GUNN: If you kill him, I'm gonna lose you.

(Gunn goes to the Professor, and grabs his arm, holding onto him as the desk gets pulled into the portal.)

FRED: Charles, no!

(Gunn breaks the Professor's neck, and pushes him into the portal. It closes.)

ANGEL: (comes out of the office into the lab) What happened to the professor?

GUNN: It's taken care of.


ANGEL: Sucked into his own portal. (shakes head) Wish I could have seen his face.

GUNN: Yeah. I'm gonna...(walks upstairs)

FRED: Good night. (walks upstairs)

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written by: Elizabeth Craft & Sarah Fain; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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