Patient: Don't be that kind of barn owl!
from Listening to Fear (Season 5)
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(Hospital Psychiatric Ward, room with 5 beds with patients restrained in them.)

PATIENT: Cold. Cold.

(The nurse pulls the blankets up over him. Then she turns off the light on his nightstand and walks away.)

PATIENT: Wait! You can't go! (snorts) Don't you be that kind of barn owl! Please! Please don't go! Please!

(He begins to cry as the nurse turns out the overhead light and leaves the room. )

PATIENT: Please! Please! Please don't-

(He looks around the darkened room and whimpers in fear. We hear scurrying noises.)

PATIENT: I can't see you! I can't see you! I can't see you!

(We see the tail of the alien creature moving behind his bed. Then it climbs up on top of him with a squeal. Cut to the nurse sitting at her desk doing paperwork. She hears the patient scream and looks up, then goes back to her paperwork. )

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written by: Jane Espenson; Transcribed by Joan the English Chick ( Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 17

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