Wesley: Illyria, this device will draw the energy away from you safely. It will allow you to live.
from Timebomb (Season 5)
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(Angel comes to himself back at the moment when he, Wes & Spike were heading for the training room)

SPIKE: So what sort of damage are we lookin' at if Illyria Chernobyls on us?

WESLEY: Conservative guess, several city blocks.

ANGEL: Wes, you're alive. Illyria, she's self-destructing. She's a time bomb.

SPIKE: Read today's paper, did ya?

ANGEL: What?

SPIKE: We've been yapping about bloody nothing but that for the last 10 minutes.

ANGEL: No, no, no. I just left a meeting with Illyria. She grabbed me, and we phased through time. I don't think she actually meant to do it. She's overloading. She's gonna explode.

WESLEY: Yes, we know. Angel, we've been over all this.

LORNE: (scoffs, holding up the walkie-talkie) Do you even know how to use this thing? (follows them inside)

ANGEL: She's come unstuck in time, Wes. She knows what happens. She's seen it. She knows we want to kill her.

WESLEY: Yeah, she said that to me as well.

(Angel looks around the room, realizing that the 4 whom Illyria will kill are all here together now)

ANGEL: Oh, guys... this isn't good.

LORNE: Well, that's funny. I didn't even see her leave.

SPIKE: (shrugs) Well, that's the problem.

ANGEL: (to himself, recalling Illyria's words) Slew the white-haired one first.

SPIKE: Don't always see her when she's--

(Angel rushes Spike to move him out of the way just as Illyria appears. She ends up staking Angel instead, but not in the heart. to commercial and back.)

ANGEL: Aah! Wait--wait... Aah! Illyria, wait. Please. Wes, put that thing down. Spike, nobody move.

ILLYRIA: This, too... all changing.

ANGEL: I know what happens. I know you kill us all.

SPIKE: Oh, a bit pessimistic, aren't you?

ANGEL: And then you shudder, and you convulse with pain, and then the power inside you explodes.

ILLYRIA: You are the Angel from the past. You were swept up in my wake.

ANGEL: You're not a king anymore. Your domain is gone, swallowed by time.

ILLYRIA: And we've had this conversation.

ANGEL: You explode. I was there. It was powerful enough to blow me back through time. I have no idea what it does to the building.

WESLEY: More like the continental shelf, actually.

ANGEL: I have to stop that. Do you understand? I cannot have your death blow away my--

ILLYRIA: Your kingdom?!

ANGEL: Yeah, sure, whatever.

ILLYRIA: You ask me to allow you to murder me.

SPIKE: It's not murder if you say yes.

WESLEY: No one is murdering you. This device won't kill you.

ANGEL: What? You said--

WESLEY: I lied. Illyria, this device will draw the energy away from you safely. It will allow you to live.

ILLYRIA: Your intent is not murder.

WESLEY: It never was.

LORNE: Well, no harm, no foul.

ILLYRIA: But you tried to destroy me to bring back Fred.

WESLEY: That didn't work. It was a failure. But now I know you're all that's left.

ILLYRIA: You want to take my power... to let me live. But I am my power. And I would rather be a titanic crater than to be like unto you.

(she kicks Wesley in the stomach, sending him flying across the room. Spike kicks her in the face)

ILLYRIA: I kill you. That's how this ends.

(charges at Spike, but he grabs her and flings her away from him into a wall)

SPIKE: What?! Gettin' ahead of ourselves a bit.

(She slows time, but when another pain-wave hits her, she loses it)

ANGEL: Illyria, the future can change here. You can choose a different path.

ILLYRIA: And be nothing.

ANGEL: And be what you are. Fighting to hold on to what you were... it's destroying you.

ILLYRIA: (to Wes) You would do this to me.

WESLEY: I'd try anyway. Every time.

ILLYRIA: (gasping) I possess so much grace, more grace than this bag of sticks could express. I was the immaculate embodiment of rule.

(a glowing blue fracture appears in Illyria's cheek; her body starts cracking apart, shooting out blue light everywhere)

ILLYRIA: I blame this on the weakness of your species.

WESLEY: Fair enough.

(aims the weapon at Illyria, pulling the trigger; it sucks energy from her, leaving her to collapse on the floor)

WESLEY: Illyria...

ILLYRIA: (weakly) Touch me and die, vermin.

SPIKE: Not a very dramatic difference, really.

WESLEY: (looking sympathetically at Illyria) Everything is different.

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written by: Ben Edlund; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
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