Holtz: I don't need mercenaries who will kill for anyone willing to pay their price. I need warriors who will die for my cause...
from Dad (Season 3)
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SAHJHAN: Well that was a thrilling evening. It's not like I've been waiting two hundred and fifty years for you to take your blood vengeance on Angel to have you just stand there and let him walk away.

HOLTZ: Why didn't you tell me Darla was pregnant?

SAHJAHN: Didn't matter. You were supposed to kill them both before she could have it.

HOLTZ: She sacrificed herself to save the child.

SAHJHAN: Yeah. Darla did your job for you. Well, at least one of them is dust.

HOLTZ: She got off easy. Angel's demise will be a great deal more painful.

SAHJHAN: You know you throw around a lot of big words like death and pain and no mercy, but so far I haven't seen bupkus. Listen to me, Holtz, we got prophecies to fulfill. We don't need some deep, dark plan for Angel. You put a stake in him, you watch him go poof! It's a classic.

HOLTZ: Step one is getting rid of these minions.

SAHJHAN: No. Step one is poof. And then there are no more steps. And we can't get rid of the Grapplars. I signed a two-week contract. - Trust me, you don't wanna piss these guys off.

HOLTZ: They're soulless beasts bred only to maim and kill.

SAHJHAN: Ah! Maim and kill. Two more words I like. You're gonna need these guys - unless you're plan is to kill Angel with candy clowns and marshmallow pies.

(All the Grapplars, who had been eating, start making choking noises. )

SAHJHAN: What's happening?

HOLTZ: I need more than mere fighters.

SAHJHAN: They're choking! Do you know the Heimlich? I can't do it in this dimension. My arms will go right through them. (realizes) What did you do?

HOLTZ: I poisoned their drink.


HOLTZ: Because I don't need mercenaries who will kill for anyone willing to pay their price. I need warriors who will die for my cause...

(One remaining Grapplars charges Holtz from behind. Holtz kills him with a backwards thrust of his sword without ever taking his eyes off Sahjhan.)

HOLTZ: ...like that.

SAHJHAN: Great. So step one is I'm stuck with four costly and dead demons. What's step two?

(Holtz walk over to where a computer is sitting atop a table.)

HOLTZ: We can find information using this box - correct?

SAHJHAN: Yeah. You won't believe how fast my connection is. What do you wanna find?

HOLTZ: Obituaries.

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written by: David H. Goodman; Original transcript anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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