Angel: have to get the arm someplace remote
from Surprise (Season 2)
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GILES: We need to get this out of town.

JENNY: Angel.

BUFFY: What?

JENNY: (to Angel) You have to do it. You're the only one that can protect this thing.

BUFFY: What about me?

JENNY: What, you're just gonna skip town for a few months?

BUFFY: 'Months'?

ANGEL: She's right. I gotta get this to the remotest region possible.

BUFFY: But that's not months.

ANGEL: I gotta catch a cargo ship to Asia, maybe trek to Nepal...

BUFFY: You know, those newfangled flying machines really are much safer than they used to be.

ANGEL: I can't fly. There's no sure way to guard against the daylight. I-I-I don't like this any more than you do, Buffy. But there's no other choice.

BUFFY: When?

ANGEL: Tonight. As soon as possible.

BUFFY: But it's my birthday.

JENNY: I'll drive you to the docks.

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written by: Marti Noxon; . Full transcript at:
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