Lorne-in-the-bucket, rescued by Groo
from There's No Place Like Plrtz Glrb (Season 2)
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(Cordy, dressed in the servant's dress and carrying a bucket sneaks into the mutilation chamber.)

CORDELIA: It's pretty dark in here. - Let me just get used to it. (Spots a table heaped with body parts.) Oh, yuck!

(She drops the bucket.)

LORNE: Ouch! Hey!

CORDELIA: Sorry. Sorry.

(Reaching down into the bucket, Cordy pulls out Lorne's head and holds it up.)

CORDELIA: These people are crazy! - Anything look familiar?

LORNE: Get me closer. Oh, god. Oh no!

CORDELIA: What? - Boy, that looks like your suit.

LORNE: It *is* my suit! You think they have French Viscose in this hellhole? (Moans) - Why am I still alive? Once they chop me up it's over! I'm looking at pieces of
myself! Oh, it's over! (Sobs) Wait a second. Since when do I have five toes?

CORDELIA: Shh! Somebody's coming. Do you mind if I hit him over the head with you?


GROO: (Entering) Your Highness?

CORDELIA: Groo, it's you!

GROO: I have done something terrible. I have betrayed my vows. But he was your friend. I could not stand to see you suffer.

CORDELIA: What terrible thing?

GROO: I stole his body and put his strange garments on these parts - to fool them.

CORDELIA: You did all this for me? - That's not terrible, that's wonderful!

(Throws her arms around Groo and hugs him tight, smashing Lorne's head against Groo's back.)

LORNE: Ouff! - Feels like somebody works out. Hi. And thank you from the bottom of my neck on down. - So, ah, where's the rest of me?

GROO: I had your body smuggled to your mother's farm. Your cousin Landok
shall meet us at the eastern watchtower. He will transport you home.

CORDELIA: This is great! The man's an honest to god hero!

(Cordy gives Groo another hug, banging Lorne's head against a pillar as she
throws her arms around him.)

LORNE: Ouch! - Watch the head!

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written by: David Greenwalt; Original transcript anonymous. Edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by Sylvia.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 19

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