Lorne: Why do you care so much about Darla?
from The Trial (Season 2)
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(Darla sits on the stage at Caritas while Angel stands beside the Host at the bar.)

DARLA: (singing) Blow, ill wind, blow away. Let me rest today. You're blowing me no good...

LORNE: (watching her) Ooh!

ANGEL: What is that? What does that mean, ooh?

LORNE: It means 'ooh, ground control to major Tom', we may not be able to save this bird.

ANGEL: I'm gonna save her and you're gonna help me.

LORNE: (looks at ANGEL) I sense pain and anger. Are you still testy from the last time?

ANGEL: When you sent me to that swami who was dead, and his imposter tried to kill me? Why would I be testy about that?

LORNE: That was painful. I'm still reeling.

ANGEL: Yeah, I feel your pain, what with him trying to kill me and all.

LORNE: People try to kill *you* everyday. I'm talking about Ramone. Overheard us, betrayed me. The man was a world-class bartender. He made a Sea Breeze that took you to Tahiti. Mmm. He's off the menu now.

ANGEL: Can we get back to Darla?

LORNE: If you shush up and listen to the bridge.

DARLA: (singing) You're only misleading the sunshine I'm needing. Ain't that a shame? It's so hard to keep up with troubles that creep up from out of nowhere when love...

ANGEL: (noticing Lorne watching him) Aren't you supposed to be reading her?

LORNE: I'm a channel surfer. Look, you're a big hunk of hero sandwich. You wanna save the girl. I can see why. But you're missing the crucial point here. Things fall apart. Not everything can be put back together, no matter how much you want it.

ANGEL: She's not gonna die.

LORNE: Why do you care so much? She had more than most of us, already 400 plus years.

ANGEL: As a vampire. Before that she was... She... She never had a chance.

DARLA: (finishes her song) No good.


LORNE: Someone get my heart. That girl's ripped it right out. - Okay, I know I'm probably going to regret this. In fact, being prescient, I'm actually sure of it. There is one way. It-it's a bit of a quest - and - it'll probably kill you.

ANGEL: I'll take it.

LORNE: (writes down an address) Alright, big fella, you asked for it. You're about to face the hell and the high water. - Go to this address.

ANGEL: What is it?

LORNE: It's where we find out if you're really ready to take the plunge.

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written by: Tim Minear & Douglas Petrie; edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by macha.. Full transcript at:
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