Cordelia: I'm never gonna get the chance to tell Xander I love him!
from Homecoming (Season 3)
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BUFFY: We should be safe in here for a while. You need to find a weapon.

CORDELIA: Safe? I'm not safe. I'm gonna die!

BUFFY: Yeah, you are if you just stand there.

CORDELIA: (sobbing) I'm never gonna be crowned Homecoming Queen. I'm never gonna graduate from high school. I'm never gonna know if it's real between me and Xander, or if it's just... (sobs) some temporary insanity that made me think... (sobs) I loved him. (sobs) And now I'm never gonna get the chance to tell him.

BUFFY: Yes, you are. We are gonna get out of here, and we are gonna head back to the library, where Giles and the rest of the weapons live. Then I'm gonna take out the rest of these guys just in time for you to congratulate me on my *sweeping* victory as Homecoming Queen.

CORDELIA: I know what you're up to. You think if you get me mad enough, I won't be so scared. And, hey! It's working! Where's a damn weapon?

BUFFY: You really love Xander?

CORDELIA: Well, he kinda grows on you, like... a Chia Pet.

She finds a spatula and takes it over to Buffy.

BUFFY: That's it?

CORDELIA: Just this and a telephone.

BUFFY: A telephone. And you didn't think that'd be helpful?

CORDELIA: No, this is better for...(swings it) Oh.

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written by: David Greenwalt; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 28

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