Cordelia: Fine. Watch *my* back
from Killed by Death (Season 2)
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XANDER: Could you make just a little more with the touchy-gropey?

CORDELIA: Jealous?

XANDER: Of Rogaine boy? I don't think so. Here, take this to Giles, okay?

CORDELIA: What about you?

XANDER: I'm gonna stay here.

CORDELIA: Oh, right. Your obsession with protecting Buffy. Have I told you how attractive that's not?

XANDER: Cordelia, someone's gotta watch her back.

CORDELIA: Yeah, well, I've seen you watch her back.

XANDER: What is that supposed to mean?

CORDELIA: Well, I was using the phrase 'watch her back' as a euphemism for 'looking at her butt.' You know, sort of a pun.

XANDER: Oh! Right. (gets the insult) Hey!

CORDELIA: Well, you do.

XANDER: Jealous?

CORDELIA: Fine. Watch *my* back.

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written by: Rob Des Hotel & Dean Batali; . Full transcript at:
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