Never Trust An Empath Demon?
from Parting Gifts (Season 1)
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CORDELIA: I hope you like your coffee black, because the only lightener the boss has in his refrigerator is O positive.

BARNEY: Black is great.

BARNEY: (on cell phone) Hank, it’s me. Of course I got the Kungai horn. In a safe place. But listen, I think I just found something even better.


CORDELIA: It’s kind of strong and a little clumpy. Never could brew the old fashioned way. I’m more the auto-drip. Sorry.

BARNEY: Yes, you are.


BARNEY: Sorry. Pathetic, really.

CORDELIA: Well, thanks for that insight, Mr. Emotional Radar.

BARNEY: How old are you?

CORDELIA: That is none of your…

BARNEY: Twenty-something? With your head all up in the clouds and your feet in –hmm - shoes you can’t afford? All self-absorbed, full of regret. Poor, poor you. Poor little Cordelia with her delusions of an acting career.

CORDELIA: Delusions?

BARNEY: Oh, you don’t possibly think you’ll succeed, do you? You’re a terrible actress.

CORDELIA: You have never seen me. How could you possibly know?

BARNEY: Because you know. You feel it. Your entire being is whispering it to me right now. Me, on the other hand, you got to admit, I’m a pretty fine actor. Fooled ya!

BARNEY: You don’t like to hear the truth. No wonder your friend never told you about his demon half.

CORDELIA: You don’t know anything about me or Doyle.

BARNEY: I know you let him die.

CORDELIA: That is not true.

BARNEY: No. But it feels true, doesn’t it? Mixed in with all the pain and grief, oh, a healthy dollop of guilt. A nagging thought that – that maybe somehow you could have saved him. If only you’d been nicer to him. If only you’d let your walls down. If only for *one* freaking second you gave a damn about anyone besides yourself huh?


BARNEY: Oh, shut up! So, you hate your gift, the visions? You probably would love to rip those pretty little eyes right out of your head. I know I would.


BARNEY: Good, terror! I’m feeling it. You have no idea what a rush it is! Keep it coming.


CORDELIA: Wait! Ahh! A vision! I’m having a vision. A demon, a creepy, little – you! It’s definitely you! You’re in great, great…

BARNEY: Danger?


BARNEY: I really don’t want to hurt you. Bruises bring down the price.


BARNEY: But not by much.

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written by: David Fury and Jeannine Renshaw; Originally transcribed by anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by ros_fod, checked against source by renenet.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 18

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